Character Creation.

One of the key aspects to Doodles and Dialogue is to first create your very own character that you will role play! The character you create will represent how you learn, play, draw and problem solve throughout the adventure. Upon signing up, students will get a character sheet to help them fully realize what character they’d like to be! The character creation process as well as the role playing aspect is beneficial in learning and understanding things like world building, story telling, and self expressionism.


Character Classes and Types.

Within the world of Doodles and Dialogue there are many different lands, locations, characters, and adventures. There are also many different types of characters you can encounter and play as. Below is a handful of some character class types each with their own style of problem solving. When creating a character, it’s good for you to find what fits your way of approaching a problem and finding a solution. Students are encouraged to come up with their own classes if they’d like but below are some examples you can use as a starting point.